Spirit-centered work for chronic illness, including  Lyme
To discuss your situation, 
call me at 215-431-4826 or email me at
Shamanic Lyme Help.

Recovering from chronic illness is a life-changing time for you, especially if the problem has been long term. You are not crazy. You need to be heard and helped. 
Over 18 years research supports using plant essences for lyme and other illnesses. 

 I am trained in the plant essence protocol and have added a shamanic dimension, so that you have a context to participate in your own healing. Using the power of vibrational medicine can make it a time of discovery, strength building and empowerment.
 Do you feel victimized by this disease and want to move past that perspective? Let’s have a conversation.
Support from flower essences can be transformative. 
The Protocol finds allied infections and issues like heavy metals that can stall natural recovery. 
a respectful approach allows the cycles of nature to be honored, while you regain health and vitality.
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